Suma Root, 1 oz bag

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Suma Root, 1 oz bag
Pfaffia paniculata 

Suma Root is sweet, mildly acrid, and warm. It has affinities for the spleen, pancreas and lungs. Its energy tonic and adaptogen properties direct its use toward chronic fatigue and low energy supports. It also has demulcent and nutrient properties. Many herbalists write about its use for cancer patients for pain and wellbeing, including Michael Tierra and Dr. Milton Brazzach. Tierra points out when writing about the biochemical constituents it contains in his book, “the Way of Herbs,” that “Five of the six pfaffosides have been found to inhibit cultured tumor cell melanomas.”

Sold in 1oz. quantities. If you want multiple ounces, just add multiple quantities.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your herbalist or healthcare provider before introducing any herbs or supplements into your routine.

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